Logiciels PC Special 3
Logiciel PC - Hors-Serie 3.iso
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This file updates the QLtools documentation to v2.2 from v1.6. Note
that I do not have access to v1.7 - v2.02 documentation (if any
exists). The fixes/enhancements noted below are changes from the v2.02
Bug fixes/features in QLTOOLS 2.2
1. Format option now works
2. HD disks now work
3. Disk type QL5A/QL5B recognition fixed.
4. Random number is written when formatted.
5. Update count is updated on write and delete
6. Intel cross compiler files XTc68/Lux68 have the file type and data
size set.
7. When Unix files are written, directory specs are removed and
any dots are replaced with '_'. DOS files have '.' replacement.
8. I/O errors (e.g. write protected disk) trapped.
9. Wildcard operation for write (under Unix).
10. TKII type overwrite messages option.
11. Segment fault (GPF) on map listing of disk with sub-directories
12. Range operations for read and delete.
13. Read-only operations allowed on write protected disks.
14. Problems writing files where the number of files was a multiple of
8 fixed. (v2.01 got the directory pointers wrong, so 8 files would
not be visible under QDOS). v2.1 got it wrong a different way :-).
15. QLTools sets correct file date and updates file version when
QLTools v2.2 Commands
The full command options for QLTools are:
qltools dev -opt <args>
dev is the device.
/dev/xxxx for Unix, for example
/dev/fd0H720 (dd), /dev/fd0H1440 (hd) for Linux
export fd
export hd
qltools $hd ..etc..
This is a: or b: for DOS and siblings (NT,OS/2,Win95 etc)
-opt <args> are command options.
-t Toggles translation of foreign names to QDOS/SMS. Default is on.
-uN Dump Cluster 'N' to stdout. N is 0-479 for dd, 0-959 for hd.
-d Verbose directory listing
-dl Verbose directory listing (includes deleted files)
-s Short listing (suitable for Unix scripts)
-i Return disk info
-m Display disk map
-c Display sector/cluster mapping table
-nX[-Y] Copy file number X [to file no. Y inclusive] to stdout. See
viewall.sh and qlcopy.pl scripts; the -n is optional if no
other options are given.
-n file Copy file name 'file' to stdout
-W files
Copy files to disk, no prompt for overwrite.
-w files
Copy files to disk, prompt for overwrite, like TKII does.
Wildcards are supported where the shell provides wildcard
expansion (Unix).
-l lists wild card files as written to QDOS disk (-w, -W).
-rX[-Y] Delete file number X [to file no. Y inclusive].
-r file Delete file name 'file'.
-xX N Set dataspace for file number X to N bytes
-x file N
Set dataspace for file name 'file' to N bytes.
-fXd name
Adds a QL format to a disk low-level formatted by DOS or Unix
(Linux fdformat).
Xd is dd for DD disk, hd for HD disks
name is the volume name
Note the syntax for options -n,-r,-x. Where there is a space after the
option, then what follows is assumed to be a single file name. Where
the paramter follows immediately, it is assumed to be a file number or
Qltools 2.1+ supports automatic setting of dataspace for executable
files as follows.
Where the executable file has been created with a c68
cross-compiler (XTc68 for DOS, OS/2 or NT, Lux68 for Linux),
then the dataspace is set automatically in the file header.
Where normal QL executables are copied from a QDOS disk,
QLTools will append a XTc68 data block (8 bytes) to the end of
the file. When the executable is copied back to a QL disk,
then the dataspace is set from this block. Note that this
means that such files will experience a one off growth of 8
bytes. This minor increase in file size is considered
preferable (at least by JH) to the loss of such information.
qltools $fd -W ~/tmp/*.c Copies all *.c files from the tmp
sub-directory to a DD ql disk.
The . is stored as _, directory suffix
if disgarded. Any existing file is
qltools $fd -t -w *.h Copies all *.h files to a HD ql disk.
The . is stored as .
User is prompted for overwrite.
qltools $hd -r10-15 Deletes file numbers 10 to 15
qltools $fd -fdd plugh Formats QL DD disk with label "plugh"
qltools $fd file_txt Copies QL file 'file_txt' to stdout
Supplied files
changes Changes to v1.6 (gz)
copyright Copyright from v1.6 (gz)
examples v1.6 examples (gz)
format Notes on QL disk format (pf)
qlcopy.pl Perl script to copy files to Unix (jh)
qltools qltools image for Linux (jh)
qltools.c qltools v2.1 (jh,rz,vo,gz)
qltools.exe qltools image for DOS,NT,OS2,Win95 (jh)
qltools21.readme Documentation for v2.1 (jh)
readme Documentation for v1.6 (gz)
viewall.sh Viewer sh script (gz)
Credits are
gz Giuseppe Zanetti (original author)
vo Valenti Omar
rz Richard Zidlicky
jh Jonathan Hudson
Distribution conditions are vague, but generally GPL-ish. This is
copyrighted free-ware.
The following, at least, admit to having had something to do with this
Giuseppe Zanetti via Vergani, 11 - 35031 Abano Terme (Padova) ITALY
e-mail: beppe@sabrina.dei.unipd.it
Version 2.01:Valenti Omar, Via Statale 127, Casalgrande (RE)
e-mail: sinf7@imovx2.unimo.it sinf7@imoax1.unimo.it
Version 2.02:Richard Zidlicky, rdzidlic@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
version 2.1: Jonathan Hudson, +968 699407 (voice/fax/data)
version 2.2: Jonathan Hudson, +968 699407 (voice/fax/data)
I (jh) am very grateful to gz,vo,rz for their work on this extremely
useful program and making the software freely distributable.
I have been able to test this mainly under Linux with DD disks. I know
it can read DD disks written by a real QDOS compatible system, but at
the time of writing, HD disks written by QLTools are untested on
genuine hardware. The Linux version is compiled with gcc. The DOS et
al version is a 16bit DOS image compiled with Watcom C/C++. It runs
under DOS/NT/OS2/Win95.
The authors are not responsible for any consequences of using this
software, including the complete loss of all your data. You use this
at your own risk.
Doesn't handle hard sub-directories. As I think I've worked out how
these work, then the next release of QLtools may implement this.
Considers the update field at offset 0x10 to be a long word. It
appears that some disk drivers consider this to be short. This is a
Doesn't allow qdos/sms file selection by wildcard, this would require
escaping from the Unix shell.
Doesn't allow wildcards in DOS and siblings. This is a limitation of
DOS et al.
Doesn't handle ED disks. This is not likely to be implemented.